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Barry Overeem live @ Scrum Day Europe 2017 - The 8 stances of a Scrum Master
Keynote: The 8 Stances of a Scrum Master - Barry Overeem CAS 2017
Barry Overeem
Scrum Day Europe 2017 - 5 tips
Dave West, live @ Scrum Day Europe 2017 - Managing Software Delivery in the Super Nova
Scrum Day Europe 2018
Frederik Vannieuwenhuyse live @ Scrum Day Europe 2017 - Create products with impact!
Harko Robroch & Hanneke Gieles live @ Scrum Day Europe 2017 - Lean Startup @ Riscure
Scrum Master Advanced at Agile Akademiet
CodeCuisine®LIVE: Zombie Scrum
Scrum is Eating the World One Bite at a Time - Keynote Jeff Sutherland Scrum-Day (Germany)
AgileByExample 2020: Jakub Bażela - Want better Scrum Masters? Let them be RETRAINED